New Mexico Business & Professional Women

OUR MISSION:  To achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information

OUR VISION:  To be the leading advocate for working women.

Our Legislative Platform, 1999-2000

New Mexico Business & Professional Women is part of the national organization, BPW/USA, which is committed to achieving equity for all women in the workplace through education, information, and advocacy. The New Mexico BPW legislative platform follows the guidelines set forth in the BPW/USA national platform:

The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment:



The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment shall stand first, foremost, and above all other items which may appear on the national platform of this organization until equal, legal rights for women and men become guaranteed in the United States Constitution, because all statutory law derives therefrom. As New Mexico has in the past ratified the Equal Rights Amendment, we in New Mexico will make every effort to help achieve the ratification of this amendment in other states and help achieve national passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.


The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment simply states: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Platform Issues:

Economic Equity:


Ensure pay equity.


Ensure equal educational and economic opportunities at all stages of life.


Promote affordable, quality dependent care to help ensure economic self-sufficiency for women.



Ensure reproductive choice and full access to all reproductive health services and education.


Ensure funds for research into and protections for women's health care needs.


Encourage the development of a national health care plan recognizing the special health care needs of women.

Civil Rights:


Ensure equal rights and remedies for women in all phases of their lives.


Support affirmative action.


Eliminate sexual harassment and violence against women.


Eliminate the glass ceiling.

 Our Strength:

* individual members forming a network of working women which spans thousands of cities and towns across the country.
* local BPW organizations providing training, career networking, resources and support to working women.
* a powerful, influential national advocate, BPW/USA, combining the strengths of BPW/USA, the Business and Professional Women's Foundation, and the BPW/USA Political Action Committee.

Your Benefits:

* National Business Woman, the official publication of BPW/USA, is published quarterly and reviews BPW activities, offers legislative updates and includes issues articles.  The New Mexico Federation of Business and Professional Women publication, The Turquoise, is published three times a year.

* Contacts and Networking
BPW/USA is one of the best networks that you'll ever have.  Members come from all occupations, and through BPW projects, you build invaluable networks with other leaders.

* Personal and Professional Development
BPW/USA offers seminars and workshops on key topics from public speaking to financial management.   BPW/USA's Foundation awards scholarships and loans to women who need assistance to further their formal education.  Local BPW organizations also award scholarships to students to attend local institutions of higher learning.

* Information Resources
BPW/USA backs up our members with the information they need to take action on the issues...from pension reform to pay equity.  Members tap the working papers and resources of our Government Relations and Issues offices.

* Marquerite Rawalt Resource Center
Members have access to the "MRRC" collection which is one of  the nation's largest libraries on working women's issues.  Now, with our new automated library catalog, you can request bibliographical references on a variety of working women's issues.

* Political Skills and Awareness
Today's working women want to know how to plan a project, move an agenda and build a coalition.  BPW members develop those skills through training programs geared for women in politics and those wishing to influence the political process.

* Full Package of Member-Only Benefits
BPW/USA members have access to many services: an unsecured personal loan up to $7,500, a home equity loan up to $100,000, Group Travel, car rental and credit card program.


Membership in BPW/USA is open to all women and men who share our vision and mission.

When you join BPW/USA, you join an organization that demonstrates the true strength and diversity of America's female workforce.  Members represent every age, race, religion, political persuasion and socioeconomic background.  They come from all levels of the workforce, and virtually every occupation, yet they share a common purpose. BPW/USA member know that women must work together -- and with other major institutions in our society -- for economic security and professional development.

You join BPW through a local organization, or as a member at large. Local organization members come together for regular meetings and special programs; to network professionally; to share contacts, career strategies; and to work on the political and social issues of importance.  Active members participate in BPW at all levels, and are eligible to serve as convention delegates.

Founded in 1919, BPW/USA was the first among women's organization to formally endorse the Equal Rights Amendment in 1937, and we have led the drive for ratification of ERA ever since. BPW/USA has been a leader in passing much of the landmark civil and women's rights legislation of our time, from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pat Act, to Title IX, and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.  We are actively involved in 1995 to pass the Fair Pay Equity Act.

Guided by our Mission and Legislative Platform, our members also strive to follow the principles described in our Collect.